In the mid-1970s streaking (running naked through campus buildings and grounds) was more than just a way of letting off steam on campus: it was a source of pride. UNC students founded the American Streaker Society (ASS), and competed with other schools to see who could have the largest group streak. The fad peaked in the spring of 1974 as groups of naked students streaked across campuses around the country. On the night of March 7 of that year, 924 UNC—Chapel Hill students (including 65 women) streaked through campus for about ten minutes, passing through South Building and the House Undergraduate Library along the way. The Carolina students thought they set a record, but it was eclipsed that same night by over 1,500 streakers at the University of Georgia. The tradition remains on campus, though on a smaller scale: each semester, on or around the last day of class, a group of students shed their clothes and streak through Davis Library.