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Tar Heel needs
Fetzer Gymnasium
After four years of construction, Fetzer Gymnasium opened in 1981 on the site once occupied by the Tin Can. The new facility included three separate gyms, as well as offices and classrooms. It is named for Robert Fetzer, who came to UNC in the 1921 to coach football and track. He later served as bot...
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Connor Residence Hall was one of three new dorms opened in 1948 to accommodate the expanding student population entering the university following World War II. The other two built at the same time are Winston and Alexander, now known collectively as the Connor Community. The lawn framed by the dorms...
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Tar Heel needs
Speaker Ban Law
In 1963 the North Carolina General Assembly passed the Act to Regulate Visiting Speakers, which prohibited from speaking at a state-supported college campus anyone who was a known member of the Communist Party, had advocated the overthrow of the state or federal constitution, or had ever invoked the...
Read moreBull's Head Bookshop
In 1927 English professor Howard Mumford Jones set up the Bull's Head Bookshop in his office in Murphey Hall. Jones wanted to bring a different kind of bookstore to campus: one with modern books and comfortable chairs that could serve as a sort of informal gathering place for reading and discuss...
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